Sunday, June 3, 2012

Been a while.

Well hi folks!

   Bet you thought I had forgotten about this. Well I didn't. I kinda lost my ambition a while back when lots of bad things happened. I'm not going to depress you with details, but I feel I owe you an explanation as to where I've been.
   First, ole Barnacle went blind. Bless his heart. Hid did OK for a while but one day he wandered off & got lost and we never saw him again. I'm still looking but I heard Dad say there was little hope. I miss old Barney.
   Then Mama Dog just disappeared. (I may have told you about that). She was the one with only three legs. I prefer having four.
   One day Dad was in a hurry to get to work. That's the place he's at most of the time. He says that's where the money for milk bones comes from. I told BJ not to get under Dad's truck but he did it anyway. He was really old and didn't get around too good. I can't finish this story. You'll figure it out.
   Sidda got bit by a rattlesnake. She wasn't doing well and Dad had to "help her out". I don't know what that means, but I think I smelled her under some fresh soil where Dad must've been planning to plant some flowers.
   Then my best bud, old Frank laid down one day by Dad's desk and went to sleep. I couldn't wake him up. He was about 14 years old and was really smart. Dad made me stay inside and he took Frank out to try to wake him up. I never saw him again. Dad cried for two weeks. I've never seen him that sad.
   Well on a lighter note, we have a few new faces around here now. We have a little dog about Trixie's size (only not as fat). Her name is Ginger. Dad calls her Taco Bell. I don't think she likes me very much. I'll post a picture of her soon if Mom will loan me her camera.
   Mom & Dad came home with two green birds called parrots. Their names are Ross and Rosa. They make a lot of noise, and shit all over the floor. Dad won't let me retrieve them for some reason. I guess they're already retrieved. I keep my eye on them in case he changes his mind.
   Then Dad got another bird back that he said he had 18 years ago that his uncle had been keeping. I think his uncle died and he didn't have a Dad any more so my Dad took him back. His name was Smokey. You know something? That dang bird could talk. For real. That's the only one I've ever seen that could talk. Most of them just whistle really well. He called Dad Papa. I don't know why. Anyway, one day he just flew away. Yep. Just like that.
   So that's where I've been. Watching all that happen. I weigh 110 lbs now and I feel great. I don't know how old I am now. I'll have to ask Dad.
   I plan to get back to my story now that things have calmed down. BTW... Scooby says tell yall Hi. 
   Gotta go. I think I smell something that needs wallering in.

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